16 Jun

[ Back in May 2013 I published a poem,  Heaven for all, which began “I am your new Pope Francis…”  This is a sequel and in the wake of the 28th May 2024 papal ceremony with Buddhists. Dissatisfaction with Francis tends to focus on, or get symbolized through, his treatment of the gay issue. The latter could however be considered the object of some pragmatic generosity in an area where some differences of opinion and interpretation are not unreasonable. These are minor as  against the papal treatment of core creedal beliefs common to all Christians and his virtual silence on the widespread  persecution of believers ].                               

I’m now  your old Pope Francis,  my work is nearly done

I’ive opened up salvation beyond the Spirit and the Son

And even Pachamama’s earth with  which our life expands

So that there isn’t need  like  Paul’s for gospel to all lands.

“Salvation” as some call it is in things we  do together  

But  if you need to feel less troubled  in bad weather

Call   her who  will forgive and care, our beautiful Madonna,

Your  “ Mom” whose every wish  her Son  feels bound to honour. (1)

Since Maria is so broad and kind –  I’ve been her follower from the first –

I  thought Rome’s earliest Marian church well blessed, not cursed,

To host what reconciles, with those of many gods and none….

Critics, alas.  can’t see or grant the kind of man  I  am

I  change, adventure  with ideas, ,and press for  freedom where I can,

A truly Sagittarian type, if  nonsense on the stars was right.  (2)

Which happily it’s not as then  I’d have still more to fight –

My Jupiter for beliefs and truth makes easy trine to Lucifer; (3)

Which  some would fear confirms I’m untruth’s latest  sponsor

To  hasten  era’s  end and draw the false  Messiah nearer.

Nonsense! I’ve  suffered hellish dreams  which couldn’t have been clearer (4)

But  like most “signs” I cheerfully dismiss them . A rationalist I am  until

All prophecy I’m last of  popes is plainly shown to be God’s will!


(1) In the wake of a 2015 typhoon in the Philippines  Francis advised grieving victims  to call on Mary as “Mom”. The idea belongs with the popular,but wildlyl unbiblical “to Christ through Mary” belief in especially the Pope’s’ South America.

(2) Sagittarius is a  mutable, ideas adventuring, freedom loving  sign. Francis shares it with Pope John 23rd  of the Second Vatican Council

(3) The asteroid Lucifer. While every natus has it and it need only imply confused wrong thinking, not devil as agent of light connection, it is not helpfully  placed for a pontiff.

(4) Francis has said de hopes hell doesn’t exist; it’s probably only rumour and gossip he has had actual hell dreams, but who knows? 


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Posted by on June 16, 2024 in Mysteries, Poetry, religion


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