16 Dec

Dutch girl Noraly Schoenmaker blogging at “Itchy Boots”  is a phenomenon and star of Youtube. She has given up a  successful career as an international contractor to live permanently on the road, riding a motorbike across nations and continents successfully negotiating many difficult roads and situations. She has also enjoyed a degree of risk and isolation across tracts of land as in Iceland and Namibia that many would never fancy. Noraly has, and needs, all of her charm, determination, resourcefulness and positivity in abundance.

Beyond the scenic routes and sturdy Hondas, I am interested in Noraly’s character and destiny. These, if  the Net information is correct, look as though they can be considerably explained by her birthday and its stars.

Noraly was born in Rotterdam 2nd  May 1988 (no time given). This means her sun was at 11 Taurus conjunct Jupiter at 12 Taurus. This fortunate conjunction, of which more presently, is challengingly opposed by Pluto at 11 Scorpio, its natural sign. This opposition pushes towards  great achievement, urges ambition and fearless adventure and with the moon in that sign too, Scorpionic (red and black) biker outfits supply a suitable image. At a guess the origins of the Sun/Pluto life challenges owe something to her father, owner of a hardware shop, where doubtless Noraly saw and learned many useful things.

The central sun/Jupiter conjunction also fortunately trines, at 10 Capricorn, Neptune, the dreamer, visionary and gate to the boundless. Here is a person with their eyes on the  horizon, though always with some of the practicality and pragmatism of Taurus along with the desire, fixed sign Taurus style,  to define her place as permanently as possible – and for Noraly that place should be the nomadic home/saddle of a bike.

Another potent interesting conjunction is that of conservative, restrictive, hardworking Saturn at 2 Capricorn  conjunct innovative, original Uranus at 0 Capricorn. Uranus by being at 0 Capricorn, namely on one of the six world points, helps going out into the world and being widely known  there through media. It is also, even today, original in the style of Uranus for a woman to be quite so  associated with the  traditionally male world of the bike rider and to be forcing motorcycles across remote territory where you fear a tyre may burst. Male Mars at 16 Aquarius also belongs with this picture of originality. The daunting isolation of the places that Noraly often favours is linked to the fact of her Saturn being in its natural sign of Capricorn, sign of the hermit and isolationist.

Noraly’s abiding  love of motorbikes and travel is mapped by Venus (what we love and like) in journeying, restless Gemini, traditional sign of journeying but also linguistics. (It is important for her communications that Noraly is evidently gifted for language and communication with her Venus, besides, in the meetings – helpful semi-sextile aspect to Mercury in Taurus.)   

But let’s return to and conclude with that important Sun/Jupiter conjunction. Jupiter magnifies what it touches and Jupiter is fortunate, optimistic, doors-opening and faith giving. It has a lot of connection to the foreign. There is even something a bit crazily fortunate with Jupiter as I know from personal experience and that of others. Though I don’t have the sun/Jupiter combination I do have Jupiter in its natural sign, Sagittarius, and in a relevant house and this describes my fortunes somewhat. I have visited over 30 countries and if, say, my car has been about to break down it has managed to do so right in front of the garage or person who can immediately help.

But while with Jupiter  there is a Father Christmas quality, it retains a surprise element. This celestial factor is not regular and clockwork dependable (which would be more like Saturn).    You can’t presume on it.  For this reason I think Noraly is less than her usual savvy self, and even tempting the fates, to derive from her often Jupiterian experiences, guiding impressions about existence more generally – for example that people worldwide are 99% helpful and good. Objectively this is just not the case, and perhaps especially not the case for many women in many parts of the world who are right to be on their guard.

Current aspects this December and  into March with shocks and surprises Uranus passing across Noraly ‘s sun and Jupiter, although at best this could be inspirational , practically is not entirely helpful. I was not surprised this week to see what bordered on some quite serious obstacle course style problems in Ecuador at the beginning of her long trip to Alaska. It was Peru and the beginning of Covid that brought Noraly’s earlier South American venture to a halt and it’s possible S America is not the most fortunate part of the world for her….

….Be that as it may, I think for the world at large 2022 will prove difficult  and restrictive and with pressures that could force Noraly to abandon or at least reformulate her aims. If she can be permanently on her bike during 2022 as plainly she intends, that could be considered unusually fortunate. Uranian upsets and accidents however surprising they are, can usually be seen to have given a few advance warnings. If Ecuador were to prove further troublesome it might be wiser not to ignore the drift of things. But whatever happens all will wish the intrepid adventurer success, safety, a happy Christmas and New Year.

See the source image

[ Since I have been writing about Jupiter and I’m posting this in the Advent/Christmas season, for those who might want more perspectives on Jupiter see these two articles of mine, “The Magi at Era’s End” and “Christianity and the Jupiter Difference ”


( ADDED 28/7/2022) For some time astrologers have noted a difficult and dangerous triple conjunction  of Mars, Uranus and the fated lunar nodes  in late  July and effective into early August. It has already corresponded this week with a severe quake in the Philippines.  Uranus is any shocks and is  accident prone and in medical astrology corresponds to the ankles. Noraly was born with Mars  at 16 Aquarius.  While I don’t know  her birth time nor the day and time of the for her unprecedented accident,  Mars would almost certainly have been around 14/15 Aquarius setting up difficulties square aspect to her natal 16 Aquarian Mars. And hurrying Mars often registers before the point of exactitude, in this case with the natal Mars….which in Aquarius is much allied with any new things. Definitely some rest and more tarmac roads would be advisable!

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Posted by on December 16, 2021 in Uncategorized


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